Our Story

Imagine a world where discarded grain bags find new life as eye-catching branded merchandise. That's the heart of what we do at Beer to Bags. Each bag tells a story of sustainability and creativity.

Every stitch we make is a step towards a greener future. Join us in our mission to transform breweries' leftovers into fun and functional fashion!

Beer to Bags was born out of the concept of taking waste streams and turning them into revenue streams. The average craft brewery in the US can generate anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred malt bags every week. With over 9,000 craft breweries operating in the US today, that is a pretty significant waste stream! Some breweries have found innovative ways to give these bags a second life, but the majority of malt bags still find their way to landfills unfortunately. Emily Neville founded Beer to Bags in 2021 as a solution to help put an end to malt bag waste in the industry, removing 10,000+ malt bags from landfills and getting the tote bags into over 200 craft breweries and retailers around the country to date.

In 2024, Beer to Bags was acquired by Hoptown Handles and Shore Up Supply. The shared values of sustainability and quality, alongside Emily’s energy and passion for scaling sustainably-minded businesses made for a natural fit within the Hoptown Handles brand family and team. Under new management, Beer to Bags will continue to grow as a champion brand in Shore Up Supply’s growing portfolio of sustainable and USA-Made branded merch, apparel and P.O.P. material offerings.

Why is this so important?

It’s no secret that consumers are demanding more eco-friendly options in recent years, and that demand appears to be increasing as time goes on. Leading that charge are Millenials and Gen Z who are voting increasingly with their dollars by investing in sustainable and eco-friendly brands. When you purchase sustainably sourced goods, you are able to reduce your impact on the natural world while maximizing your brand’s impact with your customers. We are firm believers that the quality of your merch should be a direct reflection of the quality of your products. By offering high quality, sustainably-minded branded merch to your offerings, you can create more good will with your customers and show that your merch shares the same values as the rest of your brands.

Let's Talk About It!

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